How To Download Redis On Mac

How to install Redis on Mac OS. Before installing redis let’s give you a quick introduction to redis.

What is Redis

  1. RedisInsight provides an intuitive and efficient GUI for Redis, allowing you to interact with your databases and manage your data—with built-in support for most popular Redis modules. It provides tools to analyze the memory, profile the performance of your database usage, and guide you toward better Redis usage.
  2. On a mac, how to I find the older version of Redis and uninstall it completely? I'm using OSX and installed Redis using the following command brew install redis. The version installed by brew states redis-3.0.7. However, when I run the command: redis-server the output states it's I'm running Redis 2.6.9 (00000000/0) 64 bit. I have no idea where.

Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker.

Redis supports multiple data structures such as

i) Strings
ii) Hashes
iii) Lists
iv) Sets
v) Sorted sets with range queries
vi) Bitmaps
vii) Hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries.

Today we will learn: How to install redis on mac? Step by Step Step 1 Download redis Step 2 Extract and Compile To enter redis interactive console. Redis-cli To list all keys in redis. Keys. To clear all redis keys. Flushall To exit redis interactive console. Exit To set a new instance of redis, all you need is a new redis config file, start redis with that config file and you will have a second redis instance up and running.

Apart from supporting following data structures it has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.

Memcache Tutorial.

How to Set up Virtual Host in Apache on Mac OS.

How to Install Redis on Mac OS


Install Redis using HomeBrew

If you have installed HomeBrew on you mac system then simply type following command.


Install Redis without using HomeBrew

If you don’t have homebrew no issues, let’s install redis without using homebrew.